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Our Ethics & Values

Lone Star’s highly professional team strives to maintain a quality company environment. In other words, our culture is centered on ethics, integrity and trust. We treat our drivers, customers and all the communities in which we operate with respect. You can count on us to be fair, too. Above all, we always do what we say we’ll do. Because that’s the Lone Star Way.

Lone Star Way

Live each day with courage.

Take pride in your work.
Always finish what you start.
Do what has to be done.

Be tough but be fair.
When you make a promise, keep it.
Talk less, say more and mean it.

Remember that some things aren’t for sale.
Know where to draw the line.

Always Ride for the Brand.

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Daseke EthicsPoint Hotline

As a Daseke, Inc. company, our values drive how we treat each other, our customers, suppliers, partners and even our competitors. We combine uncompromising character, transparent business behavior, mutual respect and world-class services to build an enduring culture that creates satisfied customers, engaged employees and sustainable, profitable growth. 

Daseke employees and partners must comply with all U.S. and local laws regarding proper business conduct in obtaining and retaining business. If you ever encounter a situation you feel compromises Daseke’s ethical standards or violates our code of business conduct, then use  the Daseke EthicsPoint Hotline to submit a concern online or over the phone.

Please help keep our reputation rock solid. The Hotline is a third-party-provided, confidential reporting system available 24/ 7.  Ask questions to make informed choices, or report concerns about suspected wrongdoing, without fear of retaliation.

Daseke EthicsPoint Hotline Link
Dial toll-free within the United States and Canada: 855-761-8454
You’ll find links to Daseke’s Code of Conduct and its Financial Code of Ethics at the link, as well as an EthicsPoint FAQ.

More Daseke Hotline Information for Employees